West Bengal Entrepreneurship Network

West Bengal Entrepreneurship Network

Entrepreneurship development is an important requirement for achieving the goal of smart, sustainable and inclusive growth set out in India strategy. It is also a means to respond to new economic challenges, to create jobs and to fight social and financial exclusion. West Bengal Entrepreneurship Network is an inclusive start-up Network designed to inspire, grow and connect the aspiring and experienced entrepreneurs.

We shares information, facilitates interaction, and provides support to its listed entrepreneurs in their efforts to put into action an accurate and objective understanding of private enterprise systems through a range of activities. We bring like-minded yet diverse individuals together to connect, learn, teach, help, build, and belong. We do this through our local events, flagship conferences, start-up program, partnerships, and online media + content – collectively .

Get peer insights and advice anytime through our online support forums and member-led webinars. Connect with your peers to share expertise, learn from each other and solve business challenges in a private setting.

West Bengal Entrepreneurship Network Specific Programme Areas Include :

Business Registration Services.

Advocacy & Education

Funding Opportunities & Resources

Knowledge Sharing & Resources

Matrices & Evaluation

Digitally Product inclusion & Promotion

Web Design & Content Management .

  • For general queries about West Bengal Entrepreneurship Network email :  ngosamrat@gmail.com
West Bengal Entrepreneurship Network

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