Women-Led Black Bengal Goat Cluster – Progress Report

Women-Led Black Bengal Goat Cluster – Progress Report


Bharatiya Jana Seva Mission is proud to present the progress of our Women-Led Black Bengal Goat Cluster, the 1st Goat Cluster in Eastern India. This cluster, established with the goal of empowering underprivileged women, has become a transformative initiative in sustainable rural livelihoods. Our women-led cluster is now supplying 600 kg of premium Black Bengal Goat meat weekly to two major cities, Bangalore and Hyderabad, marking a significant achievement in market expansion and women’s economic empowerment.

Program Overview:

The Black Bengal Goat Cluster was founded to provide underprivileged women with the opportunity to generate sustainable livelihoods through goat farming. Currently, over 350+ women from marginalized communities are raising Black Bengal Goats as part of this initiative. These women are trained, equipped, and supported by Bharatiya Jana Seva Mission in all aspects of goat rearing, health management, business development, and marketing, transforming them into successful entrepreneurs.

Support for the Women-Led Cluster:

Over the last four years, Bharatiya Jana Seva Mission has provided a comprehensive package of support to ensure the success and sustainability of this cluster. Our support includes:

  • Donation of Goat Kids: To help women rearers get started, we provide them with high-quality Black Bengal Goat kids.
  • Vaccination & Health Checkups: Regular health checkups and vaccination drives are conducted to ensure the well-being and productivity of the goats.
  • Training & Capacity Building: Women are provided with practical training in goat farming techniques, livestock management, and the importance of animal health.
  • Business & Marketing Training: In addition to farming skills, we offer business training to help women understand pricing, budgeting, and market strategies.
  • Ongoing Marketing Support: To facilitate market access, Bharatiya Jana Seva Mission has worked diligently to create sustainable linkages between the cluster and urban markets.

Market Expansion:

A key milestone of this program is the successful market penetration into Bangalore and Hyderabad, where we now supply 600 kg of goat meat weekly to each city. This regular supply is meeting the growing demand for Black Bengal Goat meat in these metropolitan areas, allowing the cluster to achieve steady income streams and financial stability for the women involved.

Creation of Prani Khamar:

Recognizing the need for dedicated marketing support for the cluster, three years ago, Bharatiya Jana Seva Mission launched Prani Khamar, an integrated goat promotion and marketing portal. This portal was designed with the sole purpose of providing a platform for the women goat rearers to promote and sell their products more effectively.

Prani Khamar’s Organic Growth:

Since its launch, Prani Khamar has seen impressive organic growth. Without reliance on paid promotions, the portal has gained visibility and recognition, ranking well on Google Search Console. This strong organic ranking is a reflection of the portal’s success in connecting producers directly with consumers and enabling a smooth flow of products from rural to urban markets. Prani Khamar is now a key driver in promoting the Black Bengal Goat Cluster, offering:

  • Product visibility to urban consumers.
  • Marketing and sales support for the women goat rearers.
  • An integrated platform for rural entrepreneurs to showcase their products and connect with larger markets.

Impact on Women’s Empowerment:

The Black Bengal Goat Cluster has become a symbol of women’s empowerment in rural areas, helping 350+ underprivileged women gain financial independence through entrepreneurship. These women are now active contributors to their local economies, improving their socio-economic status and becoming role models in their communities. The program’s impact is multifaceted:

  • Increased financial stability for women and their families.
  • Improved social standing and decision-making roles for women within their communities.
  • A sustainable livelihood model that benefits both the rearers and their communities.

Cluster Sustainability & Future Plans:

The sustainability of the Black Bengal Goat Cluster is central to its success. We are committed to:

  • Continuously enhancing the skillsets of the women goat rearers through updated training programs.
  • Expanding Prani Khamar to reach broader markets and support higher sales volumes.
  • Ensuring a strong market presence in additional cities across India, building on the current success in Bangalore and Hyderabad.

Looking ahead, Bharatiya Jana Seva Mission aims to further scale up the cluster and create opportunities for more women, enhancing our reach and impact across India.


The Women-Led Black Bengal Goat Cluster continues to make remarkable progress in empowering women, driving rural entrepreneurship, and establishing sustainable livelihoods. The growth of Prani Khamar and the successful supply of goat meat to key urban markets are testament to the hard work, dedication, and resilience of the women involved. Bharatiya Jana Seva Mission remains committed to fostering this transformative initiative and continuing to uplift rural communities through impactful programs.

Bharatiya Jana Seva Mission will continue to support underprivileged women by providing them with the skills, resources, and opportunities they need to succeed in rural entrepreneurship.

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